
Our ESG Strategy in Bolivia: Commitments for Local Communities

Throughout history development priorities have evolved, often matching the demands or ideals of society and industry. The Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, the Space Race – these all defined the priorities of global communities, and were spurred by several breakthroughs in science and technology. As such, the 21st century’s development themes were well defined when the millennium development goals were established in 2000. 

This has subsequently led to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their 2015-2030 agenda to be set up by the United Nations. With 17 ambitious goals, partnerships have become critical to engaging more stakeholders and achieving the SDGs. Their importance is especially reflected in goal 17, “Partnership for the Goals,” where the private sector is a relevant and vital actor as the most prominent employment provider but also as a critical partner of civil society, international cooperation, and the government in terms of development.

The current role of private companies contributing to development has evolved from separated and isolated actions of environmental impact mitigation, corporate philanthropy, and social voluntarism to a holistic Environmental, Social, and Governance framework (ESG) that offer comprehensive long term value. ESG assessments contribute to managing and mitigating possible risks for the companies while providing the opportunity to make social contributions to the communities affected by the business activities.


Driven by a desire to implement sustainable solutions for the lithium industry that are beneficial at every level of the supply chain,  EnergyX is intent on carrying out meaningful and impactful ESG practices in all applicable and appropriate aspects of its business. One of our main objectives in terms of social responsibility is to ensure we are having a positive impact on communities surrounding our operations and build long-term relationships with them. EnergyX’s policies are based on the SDGs and follow the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (ownership, alignment, harmonization, mutual accountability, and results in management. Our procedures include creating community outreach-specific programs that address the singular needs and diversity of the different regions where EnergyX operates.


Our community programs are designed to be continuous, dynamic, and self-improving.



In the case of Bolivia, EnergyX is implementing its community outreach policy through carefully thought-out pilot projects that were carried out through consultations with local officials in the Potosí region, assessing people’s needs through private, non-governmental, civil society, and public stakeholders.

  • Specific and Current Actions

Currently, EnergyX is partnered with the Autonomous Government of the Department of Potosí to improve access to healthcare; and with the Municipality of the Autonomous Government of Uyuni to improve access to education. These projects serve as pilot programs whose outcomes will shape EnergyX’s ESG policy in Bolivia. 

  • $50,000 to improve the schools in the Municipality of Uyuni

Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education

During consultations with local stakeholders in Potosí, one of the major challenges identified was the lack of budget allocations for the maintenance of public schools. The Municipality voiced similar concerns, and highlighted how an increased budget would be used to upgrade educational equipment, carry out critical maintenance in school and provide additional infrastructure to Uyuni’s public schools. Based on these discussions, EnergyX has provided $50,000 to the municipality of Uyuni, which is set to benefit more than 1,000 children enrolled in the local school district.

  • $50,000 to improve the education and well-being of students in Potosí

Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 4: Good Health, Well Being, and Quality Education

The Government of the Department of Potosí, armed with statistics from its healthcare providers, flagged that another challenge to be addressed was the amount of children with visual impairments whose families could not afford to obtain the required glasses or treatment. EnergyX has pledged free eye exams to detect visual diseases and free glasses for students in need. This support is estimated to benefit upward of 65,000 students. 

  • Local Assessment

The long-term commitment of EnergyX to Bolivia, particularly with Potosí, has driven the company to make the first stage of local community assessments. These assessments aim to connect directly with the population and leaders to hear about current pain points and possible solutions that can be done to help contribute to overall improved quality of life. 

Several interviews were conducted with members of different municipalities, the governorate, deputies, senators, representatives of municipalities inside Potosí, and members of the civil society who kindly provided their experience and expertise to express their needs for potential aid provided by EnergyX.


EnergyX is still assessing different needs in the department of Potosí, listening to and evaluating the different needs communicated. We are open to meeting with other organizations that want to work with the Company and intend to improve the well-being and opportunities of the Potosí department and Municipalities, with particular emphasis on the communities surrounding EnergyX’s lithium pilot activities in the country.

In addition to this, EnergyX will conduct in situ assessments in June and July to finalize the community outreach program policy in Bolivia. EnergyX is committed to respecting the country’s sovereignty. This program will break with traditional extractionist models and contribute to development focused on real needs, following international frameworks to ensure that our investments will improve the lives of the Bolivian people.

If you are interested in building these alliances, please reach out to esg@energyx.com to discuss possible areas of development and partnerships.