EnergyX drives innovation by partnering with the world’s leading research facilities, laboratories, universities, and commercial manufacturers to bring disruptive technologies to the market at scale.
Innovation Laboratory
The Innovation Labs is where all the magic happens. Within these walls, EnergyX’s team of scientist are hard at work developing lithium separation, extraction, refinery, and processing technology. The labs contain state-of-the-art machines and analytic equipment.
We are researching the understanding of lithium solution and materials to catalyze design of novel surfaces, highly selective solute / fluid interactions, and membranes for energy applications. This innovative strategy bridges the chemistry, materials, and process separations communities.

Pilot Facility
With a critical roadmap towards commercialization, EnergyX is fabricating its own LiTAS pilot containers in its Austin based facility. The company has completed all engineering and internally built the systems required for pilot scale processing.
EnergyX’s engineering and scale up team completed and shipped Pilot 001 to the field in 2021. The second and third pilot units containing upgraded lithium extraction technology suites are built and awaiting deployment in 2022. The pilot facility will also house commercial manufacturing systems for large scale production of LiTAS membranes and ancillary technology systems.

Research & Development
Our Focus
Across our research partners labs the EnergyX team has a focused on disruptive materials and engineering systems to fundamentally transform the energy industry.
Design new interfaces with controlled topology and functionalities to achieve optimal affinity and reactivity specifically for water/energy systems such as ion-specific separation.
Control mesoscopic materials architecture to achieve exquisite control of pore size and pore size distribution in membranes to tune multicomponent fluid transport by leveraging design principles
Develop novel materials imaging and spectroscopic tools that operate in-situ in operando in complex, aqueous fluid environments to probe water, solute and material interactions
Model multicomponent interfaces, fluid mixtures, and mesoporous architecture to radically transform water and energy demands, resiliency, and efficiency of membrane / materials systems.
EnergyX has accumulated a robust portfolio of 43 patents and growing. This includes exclusive licenses, patent applications, and granted patents surrounding LiTAS™ nanotechnology and solid state lithium metal battery technology.
As an energy technology company at our core, we scour the corners of the galaxy for untapped potential and continue to work closely with world leading scientists and researchers developing further ground breaking intellectual property. If you are a researching in the field of energy innovation, please contact

The second and third leg of the stool to go along with the University of Texas are CSIRO and Monash. EnergyX works closely with this cohort of institutions on developing the core of its patented technology.
A long term plan and vision is critical for any company. At EnergyX we have taken after Elon Musk and created a 10-Year Master Plan.
Our mission is to be the leader in the transition to sustainable energy. We first look towards natural resources, the raw materials to make energy storage systems. Second we look at making the energy storage systems themselves more efficient.
In short, the master plan is this:
1) Build lithium production technology
2) Use that money to build longer lasting battery technology
3) Use that money to open a large R&D facility focused on the renewable energy transition
4) While doing the above, start strategizing vertical integration and manufacturing optimization of batteries and battery materials.